Simply Stated Architecture, P.C.

Noted Projects We've Completed

Illustration, Climbing Tower Project (1)
Informational Illustration depicting Climbing Tower Design.

Renovations, Howard Johnson Inn Harrisburg (1)
Multi-phase project for energy efficiency improvements.

Lookout Lodge, Camp Small Valley for Girl Scouts (1)
Two floors of multi-purpose rooms featuring toilet facilities with showers, kitchenettes, and other amenities for Girl Scout and Private functions.

Private Residence Updates (1)
Expansion and facade improvements for a rural single family home.

New Restaurant and Brewery for Al's of Hampden (1)
A relaxed local venue with an on-site brewery offering a large variety of limited bottles, cask-conditioned, and draft beers, as well as a large menu of Italian dishes, pizza, & subs.

Private Workshop/Studio (1)
A detached residential workshop/studio for a pair of artists working in wood, metal, glass, clay, and other materials.

Market Square Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg, PA (3)
A columbarium addition to the church grounds involving integration of new construction with the fabric of the historic 150 year old church while creating a contemplative, peaceful setting in the downtown city environment.

Dauphin County VOA Living Center, Lower Paxton Twp., PA (2)
A 15-unit multi-family apartment complex constructed on a wooded, four-acre lot, yet providing access to public transportation, shopping, banking, churches and recreation and offer supportive services to the tenants, individuals with chronic or severe mental illness.


  • (1) Simply Stated Architecture, PC
  • (2) McKissick Associates, Architects
  • (3) KD3 Design Studio, Inc.

Project Photos

Climbing Tower
Climbing Tower Illustration
Pennsylvania Summer Camp

Howard Johnson
Howard Johnson Inn
Harrisburg, PA

Lookout Lodge
Halifax, PA

Private Residence Updates
York County, PA

Al's of Hampden
Enola, PA

Private Workshop/Studio Addition
Cumberland County, PA

Market Square Presbyterian Church,
Harrisburg, PA

creekside village
Dauphin County VOA Living Center

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